STAMPIT - Another Utility from Bob Zimmerman -------------------------------------------- SFFILES, one of my Spitfire utilites has been updated so you can "stamp" any .ZIP file with a comment - for example, an advertisement for your BBS! Version 1.0 of PKZIP will allow for comments up to 20K! I decided it would be nice to have this feature outside the scope of SFFILES, so you can use this utility against any ZIP file. THIS PROGRAM WILL UPDATE THE COMMENTS ON ANY ZIP FILE WITHOUT CHANGING THE FILE DATE/TIME ON DISK! Simply run STAMPIT pgmname /file containing comment The pgmname is the file you want to stamp. You may specify *.ZIP or a single file name. By default, the comments should be contained in a file called C:\LOGO. You may override the name of the comment file and tell STAMPIT by specifying the name after a slash. For example: STAMPIT FILE.ZIP /D:\MYLOGO.DAT will stamp with the comment in D:\MYLOGO.DAT PRESSING ESC DURING PROCESSING WILL ABORT PROCESSING. Bob Zimmerman Sysop - The Mainframe BBS 312-364-0425 2400/1200/0300 The Mainframe PO Box 1387 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 MCI Mail R. Zimmerman 386-4706 Compuserv 72371,1700 This is shareware. Your $5 registration would be appreciated.